Wednesday, August 19, 2009

strengths and weaknesses

My strength in english are that i can right papers well if they are about something that I am interested in. The reason that I am good at them if they are about something interesting is because i have to like what im writing about. I also have to have some good things to say about the topic we are writing about. If there is nothing I really like about the topic it will be harder for me to wirte about it. Another thing is I am good at writng papers as long as they don't have to be too long. I am not great at writing long papers.

My weakness in english is getting up in front of the class. I don't like to read papers and other things i wrote to the class. when i have to stand up in front of the class and present something i get really nerveous. When that happens i sometimes start to talk really fast and try to get done as soon as possible. I prefer ot just hand in papers and projects so that I don't have to present them to the class.

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