- happened during world war 2
- the jewish people were killed during it
- run by the german soldiers
- millions died
Class List
- the holocaust was a massive genocide against the jewish people
- over one million diesd alone in auschwitz
- auschwitz was teh largest of the concentration camps. it was a work camp
- holocaust itself means "burning/sacrifice"
- victims of the holocuast includes jews, gypsies, gays, and people with a mental and physical handicapped
- hitler was austrian
- families were seperated when placed in the concentration camps
- selection processes were conducted by docters when entering the camp
- dr. mengale conducted experiments on twins and people with disabilites
- prisoners at camps would be put into mass garves or cremated after death
- prisoners in camps were lso killed via crematorians, starvation, gas chambers, and disease
- prior to concentration camps, jews were placed in ghettos
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