Monday, February 8, 2010

A Separate piece character project

Bob the Tomato- Gene
"i couldn't help envying him that a little, which was perfectly normal"
i chose this because both Gene and Bob are a little jealous of their best friend"
green because Gene is jealous of Finny

Larry the cucumber- Finny
"we were careless and wild"
i say this because like larry finny was wild energetic and always doing something
yellow because finny is filled with life

Thursday, December 10, 2009

End of Novel Question

What I learned after reading this book was how hard it actually was to be in the concentration camp and what the people went through.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Class List- Fire

fiire symbolism
  • the hatred directed toward the jews
  • the end of hope and prosperity
  • the death of the jews
  • burning of hope, memories, families, faith

the significance of the woman and the flames

The lady that was shouting was a lady the Elie knew form his town. Her husband and older son were deported witha different group of people by acident and since then she has been going crazy. in the cattle car she startes shouting about seeing flames even though there is nothing.

The flames symbolize what is happeningto millions of jews and their towns. They jewish people are being discriminated against and killed. after they have been killed their bodies are cremated.

the woman representes how almost all of the people feel about what is happening. they know that if they have to go through any more they might go crazy soon.

forshadowing in night

one thing that was forsahadowing in the book was being out in the ghettos. another thing is all the rules they had and they were slowly losing rights.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

what do I know about the Holocaust

My List
  • happened during world war 2
  • the jewish people were killed during it
  • run by the german soldiers
  • millions died

Class List
  • the holocaust was a massive genocide against the jewish people
  • over one million diesd alone in auschwitz
  • auschwitz was teh largest of the concentration camps. it was a work camp
  • holocaust itself means "burning/sacrifice"
  • victims of the holocuast includes jews, gypsies, gays, and people with a mental and physical handicapped
  • hitler was austrian
  • families were seperated when placed in the concentration camps
  • selection processes were conducted by docters when entering the camp
  • dr. mengale conducted experiments on twins and people with disabilites
  • prisoners at camps would be put into mass garves or cremated after death
  • prisoners in camps were lso killed via crematorians, starvation, gas chambers, and disease
  • prior to concentration camps, jews were placed in ghettos